Community - VISUAL

VISUAL Centre for Contemporary Art &
The George Bernard Shaw Theatre


Many of our projects happen outside of the walls of VISUAL.


At VISUAL we work to foster long-term relationships with communities and to produce new artwork through meaningful collaboration that exists beyond the gallery.

In recent years, we have developed workshops, exhibitions, festivals and events with groups including Carlow Women's Network, Carlow Integration Forum, Carlow Photographic Society, Carlow Library, Barrow Valley Painters, Carlow Care and Repair Older Age Group, Blueprint Artists, Carlow Writers Co-op, and the Latvian and Rohingya Communities.

Community Made

Community Made is a growing programme of projects happening beyond the walls of VISUAL, out in the community.

The first Community Made project was Plant Banter, a video series produced by VISUAL with Dee Sewell during the Spring of 2021. Dee took us with her on fortnightly walks on lanes, riverbanks and woods around her home along the Carlow Kilkenny border, and showed us changes that were happening in nature with the passing months.

More Community Made projects will be rolled out over the coming months.

Watch Plant Banter