In the Midst of Plenty
“In the Midst of Plenty” is a new folk musical set during the height of Ireland’s Great Hunger. The show is embarking on an Irish tour in 2023 after recently debuting to glowing reviews among sell-out crowds in Strokestown Park and the Roscommon Arts Centre. The piece traces the stories of friendship, betrayal, eviction, and emigration among families living on the Strokestown estate.
Saturday 1st July 2023 | 8pm
Admission: €26/€22
Book Tickets'In the Midst of Plenty' is a soaring new work of musical theatre from Roscommon-based Enchanted Croí Theatre, touring Ireland in May, June, and July 2023.
Set in 1847 at the height of the Great Hunger, the show tells the story of the desperate lengths the starving tenants on the Strokestown estate in Roscommon went to in order to survive, including betrayal, deceit, and violence.
Exploring themes of Irish womanhood, family, community, and rebellion, this production peels back the curtain of antiquity surrounding the Great Hunger, and presents the reality of this true story in all of its bare, heartfelt authenticity.
With book and music by singer-songwriter Amy Day and artistic direction by Anne-Marie O'Sullivan, the show sold out all its debut performances in 2022, receiving glowing reviews. The nationwide tour is made possible by support from the National Famine Way, the Irish Heritage Trust, Roscommon County Council, Creative Ireland, and Tipperary County Council.
For more information visit
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