Meet Mind Move Play
Free workshops for new mothers and babies led by Katherine O’Malley
Begins Monday 1 November 2021 | 10:30am
Have you recently had a baby or babies? Are you looking for a safe supportive environment to unwind? Do you have back pain, tension, frozen shoulder, need help with pelvic floor toning or managing any weaknesses since childbirth? Or are you just looking for a route back to general health? This workshop series is for you.
Led by VISUAL Artist in Residence Katherine O’Malley, these workshops will help familiarise new mothers with the developmental stages of their babies in the first year of life whist also supporting mothers to rehabilitate, situate, balance and understand their new, post-birth body, and how it feels. The focus is to encourage Mum to mind her own body while looking after baby, and to improve flexibility, strength, and balance.
Workshops will be led in seated and lying down postures alongside baby. There will be some rocking, rolling, curving, stretching - the movement content is drawn from Katherine’s extensive 27 year experience practicing dance, yoga, somatic practices and her study of the natural body in movement. All equipment and props are provided, all you need is to bring yourself and your baby. The workshops will be tailored to suit the individual needs of each participant and are suitable for mothers 12 weeks post-childbirth and babies up to one year old.
The benefits include: improvements in circulation, blood pressure, mind body connection, easy release of tension and any aches and pains, getting to and from the floor with ease while carrying baby and a focus on collaborative movement to promote health, creative, safe play for post-natal mothers and their babies. Workshops will also involve tips and discussion on how to use your own home furniture and household items to help make you own relaxing play time at home.
“Through these workshops I will support women to respond to their new lives with their babies, listening to themselves physically and psychologically, in community with their peers, their children and their own bodies.”
– Katherine O’Malley
Wear something that is comfortable to move in – tracksuit pants, jogging or gym wear– plus some layers in case we are moving small and slow some days. Just sitting and being in the space together is enough if mother and baby are feeling slow and tired.
Workshops are free but you must sign up in advance as places are limited.
Participants must commit to the block of 6 workshops taking place from 10:30am - 11:30am every Monday from 1 November to 6 December 2021.
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