TENSION Film Premiere & Book Launch - VISUAL

VISUAL Centre for Contemporary Art &
The George Bernard Shaw Theatre

TENSION Film Premiere & Book Launch

A Collaborative Project by FORM

Thursday 25th November 2022 | 7pm

Admission: FREE

Tension Film 1

You are invited to the film and book launch of our collaborative project 'Tension' at 7pm on November 25th, 2022 at VISUAL Carlow and the George Bernard Shaw Theatre.

The event will also mark the opening of the FORM Christmas shop at VISUAL Carlow.

This is a free event and all are welcome! No booking necessary so don't be shy and pop down and say hello and meet the team.

#VISUALCarlow #EventsAtVisual #FORM #Launch #Tension #Crafts #FORMChristmasShop #FreeEvent #VisualArts #SupportLocal #LoveCarlow #CarlowTourism #GBShawTheatre