The Black Rose The Green Pool and The Blue Sky - VISUAL

VISUAL Centre for Contemporary Art &
The George Bernard Shaw Theatre

The Black Rose The Green Pool and The Blue Sky

Cora Cummins

05 Oct 2013 - 05 Jan 2014 |

For Cora Cummins the opportunity to exhibit at VISUAL Carlow inspired thoughts of local connections and the commonplace. Moreover, how the extraordinary can be found on your doorstep; and how it’s all the more magical and meaningful when it relates to your personal space of experience, memory and imagination.

This exhibition presents as a surreal, pyscho-geographical mapping of county pride. Memory, experience, unlikely historical fact and flights of fancy fuse to create a new body of work by Cummins, comprising two videos, a set of etchings and a new edition of The Fold, a collaborative publication.

Cora Cummins originally from Carlow (B. 1973) and is now based in Dublin. She studied fine art at DIT and NCAD and currently lectures at IADT Dun Laoghaire as well as continuing to work on making art.

This exhibition has been kindly supported by Carlow Local Authorities Arts Office, with project funding given by Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Co Council.



In association with this Exhibition by Cora Cummins and Undercover, A Dialect curated by Michele Horrigan students from IADT in Dublin will develop a body of work dealing with some of the themes that have been developed over this season of visual art at VISUAL.

Date: December 2013

Print Workshop with Cora Cummins

Cora Cummins will facilitate a print workshop at VISUAL using drypoint and chine cole techniques Places on this workshop will be limited.

Price €90
Date: Sat November 30
Time 10 am- 4pm