Véronique Doisneau
Jérôme Bel
03 Oct 2015 - 10 Jan 2016 |
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A film by Jérôme Bel
Véronique Doisneau (2004), a film by artist and choreographer Jérôme Bel, explores the formal aspects of the stage, the physical presence of a dancer and the ways in which theatrical space can hold an audience captive. In 2004, the Paris Opera commissioned Bel to make this performance and documentary about the real-life ballerina Véronique Doisneau. Close to retirement age, she stands alone on stage ruminating about her career. Doisneau dances, hums music, and speaks frankly to an audience about life as a ballet dancer.The resulting performance is both moving and illuminating.
Véronique Doisneau was produced by Telemondis and the Paris Opéra, and co-realised by Pierre Dupouey and Jérôme Bel.
Image Courtesy Studio Jérôme Bel